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Spirituality & Meditation

Shush Suriname

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Spirituality & Meditation
Shush Suriname

The heavily rainy night greets us, making us float a little longer above the pouring clouds. Nervous silence surrounds us, as our community has been struck often by such disasters. One

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Solely Intensely Happy

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Spirituality & Meditation
Solely Intensely Happy

The moments that could never be explained. A one time feeling. Hungry for more, but never again the same. Atmosphere drenched with life. You will have to admit it to yourself. It merely

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Go For Yourself Before It Is Too Late

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Spirituality & Meditation
Go For Yourself Before It Is Too Late

A year ago the possibilities within my horizon were unlimited to make your dream wish come true in time. This must have been the reason why we had met each other in this life. We were

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Not So Obvious Daily Life

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Spirituality & Meditation
Not So Obvious Daily Life

Driven by fear of rejection and need for acceptance, we navigate our life course. We may have the talents and potentials to do many things, but what goals are truly important to us and

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Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.

Overwinning is altijd mogelijk voor de persoon die weigert te stoppen met vechten.

Napoleon Hill