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Love & Relationships

To Breathe

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Love & Relationships
To Breathe
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I wish I could keep you safe from hurt. But I can't, which makes me feel sad, helpless and your pain as well. Then what is the gain of love?

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I Had Been Looking Forward To Summer

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Love & Relationships
I Had Been Looking Forward To Summer

I had looked forward to the sun, to sitting at the park eating strawberries and drinking some wine. Even more than this, I had been looking forward to going home. Very few people understand

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Until We Can Let Go...

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Love & Relationships
Until We Can Let Go...

Yes, it does matter what you have experienced. What it has done to you and still remains to do. What place it occupies in your life now, and how it has shaped you into the person you

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Friendship, a Temporary Illusion?

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Love & Relationships
Friendship, a Temporary Illusion?

The dictionary isn’t really clear about the definition of friendship. For me it’s too superficial. For me friendship exists in levels. One is closer to me than another. But what is it?

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Chef Cook Cupid VS Ravin!

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Love & Relationships
Chef Cook Cupid VS Ravin!

This time no cliché of love stories. Sometimes you get so tired of it. Having to have the patience, the same romantic en idyllic dream visions. No not now, although maybe so. At least t

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Emotions, the Assumed Weakness

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Love & Relationships
Emotions, the Assumed Weakness

Emotions are as old as mankind itself and everyone has them. Maybe it is because of that why we see emotions as something primitive, where we should get ourselves over. Still the emotions

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It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

Het is een wonder dat nieuwsgierigheid voormalig onderwijs overleeft.

Albert Einstein